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01.10.2023: Wanderung am Hohen Kasten (AI/SG) / Hiking at Mount Hoher Kasten (Cantons of Appenzell Innerrhoden and St. Gall)
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Obwohl das Wetter perfekt ist, herrscht schlecht Sicht. Schuld daran sind Waldbrände in Kanada, die viel Russ über den Atlantik zu uns geschickt haben.

Even though the weather is perfect, the visability is not. The reason lies in wildfires in Canada which sent a lot of soot across the Atlantic Ocean.

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Der Alpstein mit Sämtisersee.

The Alpstein mountains with lake Sämtis.

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Der Blick ins Rheintal.

Viewing the valley of the river Rhine.

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Der Hohe Kasten.

Mount Hoher Kasten.

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Unterwegs mit Freunden. Wandern macht durstig.

Out and about with friends. Hiking makes you thirsty.

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